Creative tools for a more just world…
Dive into the Beautiful Trouble toolbox, an interconnected web of ideas and creative best practices that puts the power in your hands.
Accounts of memorable actions and campaigns, analysing what worked, or didn’t, and why.
Specific forms of creative action, such as a flash mob or blockade.
Strategic frameworks and hands-on exercises to help you assess your situation and plan your campaign.
Big-picture ideas that help us understand how the world works and how we might change it.
Time-tested guidelines for how to design successful actions and campaigns.
Featured Tool
A selection from our Toolbox

A Toolbox for Liberation
Edited by Elandria Williams, Rachel Plattus, Eli Feghali and Nathan Schneider
“Capitalism can’t get us out of this crisis. If you’re wondering what can, take a look at Beautiful Solutions.”
—Naomi Klein
“Shows us that we are not starting from scratch and we are not alone in imagining an economy that allows us to love each other!”
—adrienne maree brown, author of Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds
“A loving and thoughtful gathering of our stories…a celebration of our collective genius…takes on the revolutionary question of how we create worlds where we all thrive.”
—Makani Themba, author and movement strategist
Tap the Beautiful Trouble global network of seasoned trainers to up-skill your group in strategic planning, core organizing principles, and creative action design.
Movement Compass
Use this tool to understand the cycle that successful social movements tend to follow and navigate next steps of a campaign.
Beautiful Action Trainer Modules (BATMo!)
Download this free, multilingual card-based toolkit to plan innovative Nonviolent Action workshops!

When you support Beautiful Trouble, you equip social movement leaders with strategic campaigning skills and the latest innovations in creative resistance. We can’t do it without your support.
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