Activist Toolkit Project Looking for a Web Intern and an Editorial/Promotions Intern [closed]
The following positions have been filled. Thank you for your interest!
The Beautiful Trouble team is currently looking for two new interns to step into the giant shoes of our first set of heroic masters-of-keeping-things-humming interns (Beautiful Trouble interns don’t stay interns for long, you see, usually moving on to find fame and riches, so we’re constantly on the lookout for new up-and-coming super-geniuses to work with).
Web Intern
Start date: asap
Stipend: pending next phase of funding
Hours: 15+ hours/week
Location: Anywhere there is Internet.
The Web intern will be to take charge of updates to the Beautiful Trouble web site and be a key player in the migration of the book content to the Web. You will also be responsible for sending out key updates to our mailing list, our Kickstarter supporters, and so on. You will also work closely with the Editorial team and Beautiful Trouble contributors — more than sixty of the leading minds in creative activism — to help spread the word of Beautiful Trouble on the Web.
Your skills and experience:
Solid understanding of HTML and CSS and the Web
WordPress or similar blog/content management experience would be a huge asset
Preferably skilled with image editing tools like Photoshop or equivalent
Understanding of JavaScript would be a huge asset
Familiarity with Git and Github a big plus
Social media experience (whatever that means) a plus, but not required
Familiarity with (or willingness to learn) Salsa / Democracy in Action email management tool
To apply, please send an e-mail with your resume or equivalent, one writing sample and a short note about why you’d like to work on the project.
Editorial/Promotions Intern
Start date: asap
Stipend: pending next phase of funding
Hours: 15+ hours/week
Location: Anywhere there is Internet, though New York preferred.
The Editorial and Promotions intern will take the reins of our growing list of book launch events in the US, Canada, and Mexico and keep them moving toward the finish line. Additionally, you will work with over sixty of the leading minds in creative activism — our contributors and partners — to help get the Beautiful Trouble toolbox into the hands of people who need it, by writing blog posts, pushing articles via social media, arranging trainings and interviews, etc. You will also help the editorial team publish new content to the Beautiful Trouble web site.
Your skills and experience:
Superb communication skills
A wicked sense of humor
Social media marketing experience a plus
Detail oriented, with a good head for project management
A love of creative approaches to social change
To apply, please send an e-mail with your resume or equivalent, one writing sample and a short note about why you’d like to work on the project.
Yours in trouble,
Andrew, Dave, and Phillip.