Will you be our valentine??

Dear Friend,

‘Tis the season of HAL (Hallmark-Approved-Loving) and we at Beautiful Trouble are FEELING the love.

The love of changemakers around the globe who are developing innovative strategies for making our world more just, sustainable and democratic—for us and for generations to come. The love that is spread through telling our stories, and giving people tools to write their own. The love that powers the other world that is not just possible, but coming into being all around us.

The love of communities being powerful together.

Will you contribute to People Powered Love today?

Our project Beautiful Solutions is supporting visionary leaders and organizers around the globe to share the most powerful strategies for creating the world we want. Over the next year, we are compiling a collection of the best of these stories into a book, updated website, trainings (and more!) and we need YOUR help to make it happen.

Beautiful Solutions is our love letter—a set of resources by the movement and for the movement. All profits from the project will go back into building grassroots solutions.

Will you contribute to make this vision a reality?

We’re not sure this is what HAL had in mind, but we’re going with it.

With a whole lot of love and gratitude,
Rachel, Elandria, and Eli from Beautiful Solutions

P.S. We need your spare change, but we also need your most powerful stories of change!


Beautiful Solutions is hiring! [closed]


Contribute your ideas and stories to Beautiful Solutions