Beautiful Solutions: A Toolbox for Liberation


Our new book Beautiful Solutions drops in 2022.
$35 for the book, $25 for the e-book.

In these times of pandemic and uprising, the seeds of the solutions we need are all around us.

Beautiful Solutions: A Toolbox for Liberation (OR Books: Spring 2022) showcases the stories and strategies that prove another world is possible.

This system is crumbling. It’s bankrupting and killing us and destroying our planet. Control of the things we depend on — our land, our water, our bodies, our work — feels out of our hands. A small number of powerful people call the shots at the expense of the rest of us and the earth.

But you knew that already.

What we’re trying to do with Beautiful Solutions is share ancestral and community wisdom to help people imagine a different way of doing things.

What’s in the book?

  • Nearly 40 STORIES of beautiful solutions from around the world.

  • More than 30 SOLUTIONS — a specific strategy or tool that people might use in order to solve a problem – for example, a cooperative loan fund, a solidarity health clinic, or a community land trust.

  • 10 PRINCIPLES that explain what makes a solution beautiful and how to make sure they stay that way.

  • ACTIVITIES AND RESOURCES for educators and community organizers, so you can turn inspiration into deeper understanding and action.

Written by more than 80 contributing authors, Beautiful Solutions brings together some of the world's most innovative community leaders to share their stories. You’ll find examples from Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands, the Americas, and Turtle Island — We know that our problems are connected and international, so our solutions must be too.

Preorder the book
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